Statistical Analysis-using R

Statistical Analysis using R

If employed correctly, statistical analysis is a critical talent that can be used to draw a lot of attention to a company. There are a variety of tools that may be used to efficiently manipulate data, but the tool we will use in this course, R Programming, is at the top of the game. You should be able to thoroughly inspect, separate, and play with data if you have R Programming in your toolbox. Students will learn how to use this unstoppable weapon in this course.

About Course

This R training course is specifically developed to link new and eager developers with the statistical market's requirements. When you're done, you'll have learned how to manipulate data, program, and use a variety of tools to properly understand any type of statistical data. This course teaches R Programming and its connections to Statistics, fundamental Structures of Programming, data Models, components and methods of interactions, use of an integrated collection of numerous data analysis tools for data manipulation in R, conditional loops, functions, object manipulation and interaction with graphical components, building applications, and using R as a database management system.

Start Date: 



80 hours


07 : 00 AM - 09 : 00 AM

03 : 00 PM - 05 : 00 PM

06 : 00 PM - 08 : 00 PM

